Access to Work Experience
FCT - Training in Work Centers
Module that constitutes a space for training and validation of competences that is developed in a coordinated manner between the educational center and the productive centers.
Through this module the intervention in real productive contexts is incorporated into the teaching and learning processes, making possible the «putting into practice» of the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired in the educational processes of the educational center and favoring the acquisition of competences that , in some cases, they can not be addressed in school contexts. It is therefore one of the professional modules that make up the training cycle that, due to its special characteristics, must be taught in a workplace and outside the educational center.
It is a program in which the training is combined in the training center and in the workplace. This model of training in alternance transfers parts of the learning processes to companies, turning them into determining agents of the student learning process. It allows to link training in study centers and work centers, integrating better technical and transversal or social skills. It also provides opportunities for training and work for young people, but it also guarantees companies in the short and long term the necessary personnel with the necessary qualifications to cover the personnel needs of the productive system.
The III Basque Plan of Vocational Training has as a strategic objective the construction of an integrated system of professional training promoted both from the educational system and from the workforce and includes among its measures to intensify the link with companies and the productive world as well as rescue young people unemployed without qualification to equip them with accredited professional skills.
The basic characteristics of the program are the following:
- Students between 16 and 30 years enrolled in Lanbide.
- Labor Contract for Training and Learning.
- The work carried out by the student in the company must be closely related to the professional profile of the training cycle.
- Students who participate in the program are exempt from the FCT module.
- The projects generally include a first course of the training cycle in the educational center itself and a second training course in alternation, supported by a 1-year work contract.
- The evaluation is shared between the center and the company.
European Project EU-Duals-European Dual System
The new Erasmus + program is part of the Europe 2020 strategy, the Education and Training 2020 strategy and the Rethinking Education strategy. In education it covers all levels: school, vocational training, higher education and adult education. Erasmus + integrates the existing programs in the Lifelong Learning Program and also the international higher education programs.
The Erasmus + project "Dual European System (EU-DualS)" is a project whose main objective is to share experiences in Dual Vocational Training with other countries (mainly Germany and Italy), and to design a model that can be implemented in the Mediterranean countries. through a pilot experience, facilitating the parties involved in this process (administration, center, trainers, students, etc.) of tools and methodology.
The partners participating in this project are ADEGI, CEAP-ME (Belgium), CONFAPI (Italy), F-BB GGMBH (Germany) and BVMW (Germany).
The Project began in September 2015 and will end in December 2018.
2017 Global Training Scholarships
This project managed jointly by ADEGI, Confebask and HETEL offers the possibility of enjoying an experience abroad, under the Global Training program, for young graduates: University and Vocational Training (Higher Degree).
The internships will have a minimum duration of 6 months, with a monthly endowment for the beneficiary of € 1358 per month.
[+] More information
[+] Information for companies
Non-work placements program for Vocational Training graduates in companies abroad
ADEGI, HETEL and ieTeam collaborate to convene 20 scholarships for the training of young people abroad, a program of non-work placements in companies abroad, under the "Program for the Promotion of Gipuzkoa as a Territory that Learns" of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa - Call Closed
Internships in companies
Final Thesis
- Study on Transversal Competences in Companies of the Basque Country
- Abandonment of the Educational System and Vocational Training
Other scholarships of interest
- Scholarships, grants and subsidies from the Basque Government.
- Scholarships and grants for students of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports